Programa da Maternidade Nordic

O ambiente in útero vai ser a casa do seu bebé e o cordão umbilical a sua única forma de nutrição durante 9 meses. Sabemos hoje que a dieta materna tem impacto sobre a expressão de certos genes no bebé que podem resultar em saúde ou doença (como obesidade, hipertensão arterial, dislipidemia, entre outros). É por isso tão importante a grávida estar num estado nutricional ótimo na fase de preconceção e durante a gestação. 

E é isso que queremos fazer, mudar o mundo com uma grávida de cada vez.

A nossa estratégia no Programa da Maternidade passa por criar um plano alimentar adaptado à realidade de cada grávida e individualizado ao mais ínfimo pormenor, adaptado a cada fase da gestação. A criação do plano é baseada numa sólida evidência científica e tendo em conta as características individuais de cada mulher/casal, incluindo o seu/vosso perfil genético. Contempla todos os trimestres da gravidez, a preconceção e o pós-parto. Existem diversos fatores que contribuem para uma gravidez de sucesso.

Com o estabelecimento de uma estratégia nutricional individualizada e personalizada, com a possibilidade de incluir informação genética dos pais ainda antes da conceção, é possível:

  • Identificar precocemente os elementos que possam afetar a gravidez de forma negativa;
  • Fazer as mudanças necessárias para criar o ambiente ideal para o seu bebé;
  • Ter a possibilidade de fazer mudanças que vão afetar a saúde do seu bebé e das gerações seguintes.

No pós-parto, a alimentação da mãe continua a ter uma grande importância, quer seja por estar a amamentar e o efeito consequente que tem sobre o desenvolvimento do bebé, quer seja para a sua própria recuperação. Uma nutrição adequada às necessidades da mãe no pós-parto é importante:

  • Na recuperação da forma física;
  • Na produção de leite;
  • No fornecimento de energia necessária para a exigência física e mental associada a esta fase;
  • No estabelecimento de uma boa saúde intestinal que tem impacto no sistema imunitário e sistema nervoso.

Mercury Tri-Test

The Mercury Tri-Test is the only clinical test that utilizes mercury speciation analysis, a patented advanced technology that separates methyl mercury (MeHg) from inorganic mercury (HgII) and measures each directly.

DNA Diet

The genes comprising the DNA Diet test are associated with body weight and body mass index, and all meet stringent criteria for utility in a genetic screening test. Recent clinical data has found that the addition of nutrigenetically tailored diets resulted in better compliance, longer-term BMI reduction and improvements in blood glucose levels. A randomly controlled trial found dietary recommendations based on genetics more understandable and useful than general dietary advice.

DNA Diet will show which of the following diet plans are right for the individual: 

  • Low carbohydrate diet 
  • Low fat diet 
  • Mediterranean diet

DNA Diet reports on the following areas: 

  • Variations linked to obesity and being overweight 
  • Ability to lose or gain weight easily 
  • Responsiveness to exercise 
  • Mobilisation of fat from fat cells 
  • Ability to metabolise fats for energy 
  • Metabolic rate 
  • Absorption rate of dietary fat

DNA Diet reports on the following areas:

  • Variations linked to obesity and being overweight
  • Ability to lose or gain weight easily
  • Responsiveness to exercise
  • Mobilisation of fat from fat cells
  • Ability to metabolise fats for energy
  • Metabolic rate
  • Absorption rate of dietary fat

Diet will allow the practitioner to give you personalised diet & lifestyle recommendations based on your DNA Diet genetic result.

“DNA Diet is one of the first products of its kind in the world, and amongst the most comprehensive and accurate weight-related genetic tests available.”

DNA Sport

Results provide insight into various biological areas that impact training responsiveness and sporting performance, optimal exercise selection, and injury and recovery strategies.

“The test is suitable for the elite performance athlete as well as the recreational athlete looking to maximize their fitness potential and reach peak levels of conditioning.”

DNA Sport reports on the following areas:

  • Structural integrity of soft tissues
  • Inflammation & oxidative stress
  • Blood flow: blood pressure & oxygenation
  • Cardiopulmonary capacity
  • Energy during exercise
  • Fuel during exercise
  • Caffeine metabolism
  • Muscle fibre type and bone composition
  • Endurance/aerobic capacity
  • Power/strength potential

DNA Sport tests genetic variants that influence injury risk and recovery, as well as power, endurance and performance.

DNA skin

We can’t change our genes, but we can change our lifestyle. All the genetic variants analysed in the DNA Skin test are modifiable through appropriate environmental interventions.

“Based on the results from the DNA Skin test, personalised lifestyle, nutrition, nutraceutical and cosmeceutical recommendations can be given for improved skincare and skin health, and to decrease the visible signs of aging. The DNA Skin test analyses 18 genes involved in important areas related to skin health.”

DNA skin aims to improve the visual signs of aging by focusing on interventions that are suited to your unique DNA.

  • Regulation of collagen formation and breakdown, giving insight into the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  • Sun sensitivity & pigmentation.
  • Sun damage, protection & repair mechanisms.
  • Protection from oxidative stress.
  • Detoxification & inflammation, giving insight into general skin sensitivity.

DNA oestrogen

Improving oestrogen metabolism is of benefit to women who suffer from oestrogen-dominant conditions such as endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome and uterine fibroid tumors.

“Are you aware that 80% of breast cancer occur in women with no family history? Research has shown that an increased lifetime exposure to oestrogen is a strong risk factor in the development of breast cancer.”

DNA Oestrogen reports on the following areas:

  • Phase 1 detoxification
  • Phase 2 detoxification
  • Oxidative stress
  • Personal risk factors associated with HRT, oral contraceptives, bio-identical supplementation and in vitro fertilisation

DNA Oestrogen tests for gene variants shown to have an impact on how oestrogen is metabolised and therefore may help individuals lessen the risk for developing breast cancer.

DNA mind

Knowledge of individual genetic variations associated with changes in key biological areas that affect mental health can be used to determine strategies for prevention of mental health diseases. Weaknesses in these areas, together with environmental factors, increase risk for development of disorders related to mental health.

“DNA Mind analyses 30 genes shown to have significant associations with key mental health disorders.”

DNA Mind reports on associations in the following areas:

  • Neurodegenerative disorders – mild cognitive decline and late onset Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Mood disorders – depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder & post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Addictive behaviour – risk of alcohol, nicotine, cannabis & opioid dependence, psychosis response from cannabis use and eating disorders (binge eating).

Genetic variations involved in key biological processes that contribute towards the risk of development of mental health disorders may give insight to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease.

DNA Health

DNA Health® tests for genetic variations that are known to have a significant effect on health and susceptability to chronic diseases such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and diabetes amongst others
Research has shown that individualised diet and lifestyle choices do have a significant effect on the expression of these genes – but this also depends on early detection and appropriate intervention.

DNA Health® reports on genes involved in the following areas:

  • Cholesterol metabolism
  • Food responsiveness, such as sensitivities to lactose, caffeine and salt intake
  • Bone Health
  • Methylation
  • Inflammation
  • Oxidative Stress
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Detoxification


Nordic Food Panel IgG & IgA

Food allergies and food sensitivites are abnormal responses to a food component triggered by the immune system in the form of immunoglobulins (IgE, IgG, IgA, IgM), representing either an immediate or delayed immune response. Elevated IgA antibodies to specific food proteins are believed to be a food sensitivity-related condition.

IgA antibodies are, like IgG antibodies, a part of the body’s immune system. They are mostly present in bodily secretions such as saliva and mucosa (secretory IgA), but are also secreted in the blood. Whilst a clear role for IgA towards food antigens remains unknown, high serum levels of IgA to specific food proteins are believed to be a possible indicator of antigen exposure and mucosal damage. Thus, elevated serum IgA towards specific food proteins may possibly suggest a loss of oral tolerance to the foods of concern. The only food-specific IgA antigen that was been established as an indicator of antigen-exposure is the gluten-related anti-gliadin IgA.

SIBO With Glucose or Lactulose Breath Test

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) occurs when bacteria appear in the normally more sterile small intestine and begin to colonize.

Hydrogen (H2) and methane (CH4) gasses are produced in the digestive system primarily only by the bacterial fermentation of carbohydrates (sugars, starches or vegetable fibers). The generation of H2 and/or CH4 will result in the absorption of some of these gases into the blood stream from the site of their production, and they will appear in the expired air. If either of the gases appear in the expired air, it is usually a signal that carbohydrates or carbohydrate fragments have been exposed to bacteria, permitting such fermentation to take place and that SIBO can be suspected.

This SIBO breath collection kit comes with either Glucose or Lactulose as a substrate.

Studies have indicated that potentially up to 80% of patients with IBS may in fact have SIBO which this Hydrogen /Methane breath test can easily and non-invasively help determine.

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